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10 movies that will destroy your soul

Atonement (2007) Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema. Blue Valentine (2010) People grow apart and it’s sad. This one...

10 movies that will destroy your soul

Atonement (2007) Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema. Blue Valentine (2010) People grow apart and it’s sad. This one...

10 movies that will destroy your soul

Atonement (2007) Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema. Blue Valentine (2010) People grow apart and it’s sad. This one...

10 movies that will destroy your soul

Atonement (2007) Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema. Blue Valentine (2010) People grow apart and it’s sad. This one...

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10 movies that will destroy your soul

Atonement (2007) Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is rui...