10 movies that will destroy your soul
Atonement (2007)
Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema.
Blue Valentine (2010)
People grow apart and it’s sad. This one doesn’t really destroy you but it sure does make you wish you had a really wonderful relationship, and if you already have one, it makes you paranoid about your entire future. Nobody’s hands are clean throughout this one. Available on Netflix.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2003)
Part 1 of the Vengeance Trilogy. Man. Another love story. Love sucks. Watch this movie. It’s got good boobs in it. Netflix DVD.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
I only watched this movie once. It was enough. Never again. You enjoy though. Don’t let the age scare you. The animation and art stand the test of time. Though not the test of my tolerance. Available only on Netflix DVD.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Brad Pitt’s sexiest role. It’s a Love Letter to Montana and its surrounding regions. But like all Love Letters, they’re bitter, sweet, and fleeting. Also heart breaking. Cry-fest all up in here. Available as a Netflix DVD.
Mother (2009)
If I’ve learned one thing in 27 years on this planet it’s that Love has destroyed Civilizations and ruined a lot of people’s lives. A mother’s love is undoubtedly the strongest love. And this movie is just that. A story about how much a mom loves her child. I don’t know what else to say about it. Not on Netflix. So you know. Find it. WINK WINK
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and others go on a magical journey of discovery. It’s heart-warming and just fills your soul with so much good and happy feelings. Netflix DVD.
Old Boy (2003)
Can’t really have this list without it. Amazing movie. Part of the Vengeance Trilogy. Number 2 of the 3. A love story if you will. Available on Netflix.
The Wrestler (2008)
Mickey Rourke fighting people… AGAIN. GEEEEZZZ what a typecast. It’ll BREAK YOUR HEART. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I kill myself. Fantastic movie, though. Real talk. Netflix DVD.
10 movies that will destroy your soul
Atonement (2007)
Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema.
Blue Valentine (2010)
People grow apart and it’s sad. This one doesn’t really destroy you but it sure does make you wish you had a really wonderful relationship, and if you already have one, it makes you paranoid about your entire future. Nobody’s hands are clean throughout this one. Available on Netflix.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2003)
Part 1 of the Vengeance Trilogy. Man. Another love story. Love sucks. Watch this movie. It’s got good boobs in it. Netflix DVD.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
I only watched this movie once. It was enough. Never again. You enjoy though. Don’t let the age scare you. The animation and art stand the test of time. Though not the test of my tolerance. Available only on Netflix DVD.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Brad Pitt’s sexiest role. It’s a Love Letter to Montana and its surrounding regions. But like all Love Letters, they’re bitter, sweet, and fleeting. Also heart breaking. Cry-fest all up in here. Available as a Netflix DVD.
Mother (2009)
If I’ve learned one thing in 27 years on this planet it’s that Love has destroyed Civilizations and ruined a lot of people’s lives. A mother’s love is undoubtedly the strongest love. And this movie is just that. A story about how much a mom loves her child. I don’t know what else to say about it. Not on Netflix. So you know. Find it. WINK WINK
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and others go on a magical journey of discovery. It’s heart-warming and just fills your soul with so much good and happy feelings. Netflix DVD.
Old Boy (2003)
Can’t really have this list without it. Amazing movie. Part of the Vengeance Trilogy. Number 2 of the 3. A love story if you will. Available on Netflix.
The Wrestler (2008)
Mickey Rourke fighting people… AGAIN. GEEEEZZZ what a typecast. It’ll BREAK YOUR HEART. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I kill myself. Fantastic movie, though. Real talk. Netflix DVD.
10 movies that will destroy your soul
Atonement (2007)
Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema.
Blue Valentine (2010)
People grow apart and it’s sad. This one doesn’t really destroy you but it sure does make you wish you had a really wonderful relationship, and if you already have one, it makes you paranoid about your entire future. Nobody’s hands are clean throughout this one. Available on Netflix.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2003)
Part 1 of the Vengeance Trilogy. Man. Another love story. Love sucks. Watch this movie. It’s got good boobs in it. Netflix DVD.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
I only watched this movie once. It was enough. Never again. You enjoy though. Don’t let the age scare you. The animation and art stand the test of time. Though not the test of my tolerance. Available only on Netflix DVD.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Brad Pitt’s sexiest role. It’s a Love Letter to Montana and its surrounding regions. But like all Love Letters, they’re bitter, sweet, and fleeting. Also heart breaking. Cry-fest all up in here. Available as a Netflix DVD.
Mother (2009)
If I’ve learned one thing in 27 years on this planet it’s that Love has destroyed Civilizations and ruined a lot of people’s lives. A mother’s love is undoubtedly the strongest love. And this movie is just that. A story about how much a mom loves her child. I don’t know what else to say about it. Not on Netflix. So you know. Find it. WINK WINK
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and others go on a magical journey of discovery. It’s heart-warming and just fills your soul with so much good and happy feelings. Netflix DVD.
Old Boy (2003)
Can’t really have this list without it. Amazing movie. Part of the Vengeance Trilogy. Number 2 of the 3. A love story if you will. Available on Netflix.
The Wrestler (2008)
Mickey Rourke fighting people… AGAIN. GEEEEZZZ what a typecast. It’ll BREAK YOUR HEART. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I kill myself. Fantastic movie, though. Real talk. Netflix DVD.
10 movies that will destroy your soul
Atonement (2007)
Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is ruined but not before one of the most beautiful shots ever in the history of Cinema.
Blue Valentine (2010)
People grow apart and it’s sad. This one doesn’t really destroy you but it sure does make you wish you had a really wonderful relationship, and if you already have one, it makes you paranoid about your entire future. Nobody’s hands are clean throughout this one. Available on Netflix.
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2003)
Part 1 of the Vengeance Trilogy. Man. Another love story. Love sucks. Watch this movie. It’s got good boobs in it. Netflix DVD.
Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
I only watched this movie once. It was enough. Never again. You enjoy though. Don’t let the age scare you. The animation and art stand the test of time. Though not the test of my tolerance. Available only on Netflix DVD.
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Brad Pitt’s sexiest role. It’s a Love Letter to Montana and its surrounding regions. But like all Love Letters, they’re bitter, sweet, and fleeting. Also heart breaking. Cry-fest all up in here. Available as a Netflix DVD.
Mother (2009)
If I’ve learned one thing in 27 years on this planet it’s that Love has destroyed Civilizations and ruined a lot of people’s lives. A mother’s love is undoubtedly the strongest love. And this movie is just that. A story about how much a mom loves her child. I don’t know what else to say about it. Not on Netflix. So you know. Find it. WINK WINK
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and others go on a magical journey of discovery. It’s heart-warming and just fills your soul with so much good and happy feelings. Netflix DVD.
Old Boy (2003)
Can’t really have this list without it. Amazing movie. Part of the Vengeance Trilogy. Number 2 of the 3. A love story if you will. Available on Netflix.
The Wrestler (2008)
Mickey Rourke fighting people… AGAIN. GEEEEZZZ what a typecast. It’ll BREAK YOUR HEART. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I kill myself. Fantastic movie, though. Real talk. Netflix DVD.
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10 movies that will destroy your soul
Atonement (2007) Available on Netflix. A movie about a lie and how little kids shouldn’t be trusted ever. And then your entire life is rui...
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